Change Work | Shadow Clearing Work

Soul Retrieval 

Collect & Heal Fragmented Parts

Put yourself back together again

Reconnect Your Whole Soul Power

Have you ever found yourself saying the following phrases or something similar?

Then it is possible you are describing the experience of Soul Fragmentation.

Soul Retrieval is a treatment in high demand right now, as its purpose is totally suited to Empowerment and working from more of the whole Real You.

If you have ever felt lost or diminished in any way as a result of an difficult experience – or if you feel like “a part of you is missing” then consider having Soul Retrieval Therapy.

During times of trauma, illness or stress – parts of our aura’s energy can literally separate off or break away and disconnect. When this happens, we can be more prone to illness, depression, low self-esteem, difficult relationships, poor motivation, weight gain, irregular sleep and other challenging states of being that are not necessarily the Real You.

During Soul Retrieval Treatment – the part of you that has separated can be retrieved and communicated with, then healed and re-integrated. The ‘lost part’ will return with its full strength, energy and vitality, as well as its own unique talents and personality traits.

This has the effect of making you feel more whole progressing to new, exciting and fascinating outcomes. It is always interesting to see what the returned part gifts you as it comes ‘home’.

Soul Retrieval offers a new way of being again. Often the returning part holds a trait that is crucial to your success – it is literally the missing key – that you always felt you had inside but couldn’t reach.

When a missing Soul part is willing to return it is a huge act of self-love and the comfort, healing and re-birth potential is brings with it can be unprecedented.

Timeline 1 hour

Sessions done in person or remotely.


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Name Withheld, London

My 1st experience of Soul Retrieval was a revelation. I retrieved a part of myself that was much more confident than I usually felt. This part of me worked with an absolute surety that I did not know in my own life. This part had complete trust and she knew exactly what she wanted to do, when and how. The returned part pulled me out of a deep hole and got me off the habits of prevarication and procrastination that I’d had for some time. She helped me to see a way out of my current problems and limitations. Afterwards I felt more ‘alive’ than I had done in a long time and I noticed a strong sense of Gratitude for my life coming back in. I was no longer prepared to live as a Victim – I wanted bigger and better for myself.  Of course there was lots of sorting out to do as a result – but I actually felt strong enough to do it for once and I started to get my life back on track after thinking that I was walking dead. An understanding of my Life Purpose came in and finally my life has some meaning.

SR, Germany

I have the feeling that this soul part is definitely working with the animal medicine of the lion. I feel clearer, more motivated. Last night (and this had been in my head already since last week), I changed things around such as I moved a few decoration stuffs in my bedroom and Kitchen and I  had the urge to deep clean. Also I completely changed everything around in my living-room – I am also clear about further little things I want to get for it. I gained so much clarity. This part is really telling me that all is right and will get better. I have this voice in me and it feels that it is my brave heart – the lion – telling me: ALL IS WELL – TRUST ME – TRUST LIVE – TRUST THE UNIVERSE – TRUST YOURSELF! This little voice is also telling me that she is excited about the other soul retrievals to do, because this is a BIG DEAL for me and this will CHANGE MY LIFE for ever 🙂

ZS, New Zealand

Having spent quite a lot of time over the years working with Elizabeth I am in tune with myself enough to know when something is up!  After a series of cluster migraines I contacted her and asked if she could check out my energy.  I had three souls that wished to be returned and now was the right time.  Elizabeth gave me information about all three; my 6 year old who was wanting to prove herself to the world, my 13 year old who was forward thinking and adventurous and my 17 year old who was soft and gentle. Each left as they could no longer be within the environment I was in.  Upon returning, I’ve reconnected with the beautiful gifts that they all bring and have worked to envelope them within my heart so that they are home and settled within my very core.  Since, I’ve had many realisations and have stepped up to serve, to reconnect on an even deeper level to my past knowing.

NK, London

Sending you the MOST super huge thank you! Seriously today I feel a part of me has returned. I always was the person who woke up and decided which part of the smorgasbord of life to sample and today I had this for the first time in years. It is my pleasure to give such exciting feedback and you deserve all credit for helping it to happen. Am so very grateful!

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