Change Work | Shadow Clearing Work
Ancestor & Family Energy Healing – Clearing Present Life & Ancestral Lines of Inherited Patterns
The Family that we grow up in, is very important to our development in so many ways. Our original family unit give us primary male and female roles models, as well as socialisation around Behaviour Patterns, Love, Culture, Morals – to name but a few. All this and more forms the Code of Conduct with which we approach our life.
The family introduces us to the world of relationships, through which some of our most significant development will be expressed.
If you grew up in an idyllic situation where all your needs were met physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually – then Home provides a wonderful safe haven.
However it is much more likely that somewhere in the family scenario there will be challenges, difficulties and gaps in your nurturing. This is not to criticise anyone’s relatives – rather to explain that when our needs are not met (for whatever reason or situation) a hole is created in our energy field.
For as long as these wounds, shortfalls, gaps or losses are not dealt, they will simply continue to run. All this negative energy can adversely affect our energy flow, vitality, good fortune, well-being, comfortability and success.
It is also possible in inherit energy patterns, stagnations and wounds from your Lineage. Just think how easy it is to be connected to a vast array of relatives and the possibilities quickly widen up.
Add into the mix any energetic wounds or blocks that remain stagnant on your family line from past centuries/millennia and you may be correct in thinking that not all that happens to you is not your own doing.
There are so many situations and circumstances in our Ancestor’s past where negative energy persists – common re-occuring events such as war, famine, disease, money-troubles, arranged marriages, natural disasters and more – all make their mark.
Healing Ancestor & Family lines can be extremely liberating.
It heals all past and present lines as well as cleansing the future descendants from having to endure old passed-down negativities.
It is said that our Life Purpose is to first heal ourselves and then extend that healing to others and the planet itself – that our reason for Being is to exit this world leaving it a better place than when we entered it. If that is in any way true for you – then Ancestor & Family healing can offer you a chance to do great work that affects not only yourself but many other souls past, present and future.
All Healing can be done in person or remotely.
Timeline 1 hour
Name Withheld, London
I wanted to update you on what’s happened since our session – would you believe that the relative we dealt with has changed already? I mean after decades of hoarding – quite literally out of the blue – he declared that he wanted all his junk/clutter to go – that he realised he was never going to sell it/mend it/ use it all and he just wanted it gone! The rest of my family are all so surprised – as they’ve been saying to him for years to get rid of it all – but I think its somehow down to the work we did. For myself, I no longer feel as angry or attached to what he has done to me in the past and I have started to let it go. But the more surprising thing is the turnaround in him – I just thought you’d like to know. So Thank you again for the healing – I have a feeling it will go from strength to strength now.
LR, Brighton
I want to say a huge thank you again for last week’s session. I felt physically lighter afterwards and it seems to have had a positive impact on lots of aspects of my life. 🙂 I definitely felt a bit of a ‘presence’ in the room. I was quite emotional over the weekend’s processing but apart from that all good.
SC, Haywards Heath
I want to thank you for putting me back together so effectively – a whole load of anger came out last night but today I feel better and much more grounded. I definitely feel much less grief and resignation. For the first time in a very long time I actually feel a bit happy.
CS, London
Thank you – a joy to meet you. Learnt so much. I also booked in my wife for the following week. We are all in your gentle hands. I am delighted that we were introduced to you. So much more to learn and develop. Exciting and energising times.
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