Remote Healing – the perfect solution when distance and time come between you and your healer.

Through the assistance of the angels, it is possible to offer Remote Healing to those who cannot come to me in person.

Remote Healing is just as powerful in its effects as if you were there in person because the angels organise and deliver the healing energy to you.

I have been successfully working this method of healing for many years for people overseas (most of whom I have not met in person), friends and family and animals – who all live far away from me.  It is through the power of the angels to deliver the healing to where it is most needed that this can happen.

How a remote healing works is that we agree a time for me to work and I perform the treatment just as if you were there in the room with me.

To prepare for your remote session – please make yourself warm and comfortable – either sitting or preferably lying down – and hold the intention in your mind simply to relax and receive. Don’t worry if you fall asleep.

After one hour the healing is completed and you will be able to get on with things.  Remember it is good to drink some water after a healing and maybe eat something light.

Afterwards, I will email you if any pertinent guidance comes through. Please note that I will get to this administrative part of the process just as soon as I can – and your patience is appreciated as yours may not be the only session I have booked that day.

Timeline 1 hour


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NAME WITHHELD, Switzerland 

Many thanks for the healing. I definitely feel lighter ….

BB, Canada

What a wonderful healing session! And the rest of the [information] is so helpful. I can’t tell you how accurate you are. I am so grateful and I wish you all the best.

SM, California USA
I definitely felt much BETTER the day after your healing.

CRVB, Switzerland
Dear Elizabeth, Last night’s remote healing was very powerful and I slept so deeply for hours afterwards. Thank you – you are a-ma-zing!

Name Withheld, Northampton

My arm is definitely better – the pain has subsided.

AF, Canada

I can’t thank you enough for the very timely healing session I had with you yesterday.  I only had the strength to deal with the upsetting ‘stuff’ because  when I released so much last night and also continued to constantly do cord cutting as you outlined.  So instead of fear I felt Archangel Ariel with me.  Very Empowering!!  And all because of you Elizabeth and your inspiration and healing I received yesterday.  Thank you.  The angels tell me I can walk through life with Confidence instead of fear.





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