Change Work | Shadow Clearing Work
Build Self-Esteem & Self-Worth
& Enjoy Your Life!
“We cannot outperform our level of self-esteem. We cannot draw to ourselves more than we think we are worth” ~ Iyanla Vanzant
It’s a sad fact that so many of us suffer from crippling low self-esteem that we try desperately to hide from others most of the time.
The ‘more more more’ way of modern living can leave you feeling so not good enough, that you are beaten before you’ve begun.
Lack of Self Esteem will has a debilitating on all areas of your life – it affects you physically, emotionally and mentally. It will drag you down, draining your energy, optimism, inspiration and ability to problem-solve.
Sad but true – all your efforts and any accomplishments will often be tainted by this malaise, resulting in too much pain, suffering and procrastination.
Finding a sense of value in yourself is the way to increase your self-esteem and confidence. And with confidence you can grow to become more assertive in the world. But how ?
The Rosylife treatment for this condition is gentle, compassionate and effective.
It works in rhythm with your chosen pace to keep you feeling safe and secure in a programme that is tailor-made for you.
Connecting you to the true power inside yourself to shine through to change your life just one small step at a time.
Discover the Real You inside and be Impressed!
“Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are” ~ Marilyn Monroe
Timeline 1 hour
LH, Hove
Thank you for the session yesterday for the first time EVER I left a therapy session feeling very positive, lighter in heart and life with a huge spring in my step and head held high. I know now with you and the angels on my side backing me up, I can achieve anything and more.
Name Withheld, London
Many thanks for our session – it was transformational in a way as it helps me to understand and has given me confidence to be bolder than I might otherwise be!
Name Withheld, London
During yesterday’s session, I could feel a sense of gaining back my self-esteem which I had lost…
TD, London
The whole experience has been enlightening for me and I can feel myself getting back to myself again, I have used the affirmations you gave me each day. It has given me such inspiration, so once again thank-you sincerely!
MH, London
Please accept my appreciation for kindness and guidance – you have given me great strength and wisdom this year.
Name Withheld, London
I would like to thank you for the session yesterday. I am definitively feeling much more in peace and stronger now.
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