November 2017 Articles
Following on with the Great theme of the year that will dominate events, we are all having to learn quickly to squeeze a little more out of our lives.
Below are some thoughts on how and why its a good idea to get in step with the magnification that’s occurring in and around us.
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What’s It All About
Can you feel how Life just keeps on getting bigger somehow? I believe most people can relate to that feeling in at least one phase of their life.
It is actually the case that we are in a new energy phase that is very progressive, but also may be also perhaps a little daunting.
The status quo of our lives is being reflected back to us in an amplified scale. Almost overnight we have become more clearly conscious of who we are, where we are, and what we’ve been doing.
Some of what’s being highlighted will be satisfactory to us. But this spotlight also shows up areas where we are not so content.
• Have you suddenly outgrown something or someone or some way of being?
• Have you just had enough?!!
• Are you limiting yourself by playing it too small or too safe?
• Do you have a need for more?
• Can you hear the clarion call for action?
Oftentime the steps we must take needs precision, preparation and detailed focus and timing to get the desired outcome. It is a case of being Powerful in the right way that rises us beyond all limitation.
This call to action demands we use the innate Power that is our birthright. The Power behind the Purpose of what we were born to do…
But how? It is this question that must be answered. ‘Personal Power in Progression’ will over-write and dominate our thoughts, feelings, actions, choices and results for the next 12 months. And those 12 months will set forth streams of energy that could potentially run for 12 years.
During this time we have the opportunity to step up into a more meaningful and conscious relationship with our own Power and Motivation. Be under no illusion this is Deep… (it is not a coincidence that this very word is currently trending in our vernacular by the way).
It doesn’t matter whether you are dealing with a birth, death, marriage, relationship start up or break-up, a new job or job loss, financial matters, medical issue, health & diet upgrades, or a spiritual awakening – our lives are ever changing and these shifts require clarity, fortitude and courage.
Power, Motivation, Evolution, Transformation and Transcendence will invite us to their banquet for the feasting! We will all have to face and utilise these energies someway somehow soon enough or ‘die’ (metaphorically speaking) whilst resisting them.
These are big words with bigger and deeper meanings that can help change the course of your life. The impact of these energies will be felt in the mundane and tracked in our feelings, thoughts and desires.
The good news is that increased Power, Motivation & Evolution can bring us to a much happier and more loving state of being. This is why the universe is so keen for all of us to engage in the alchemy that is on offer to us this year.
The outpouring of Divine Feminine energy is literally massive – so we can all get the nurturing we need to over come any procrastination, fears or confusion.
If you would like to work with me – I would be happy to help and support you through personal transformations of any kind. The Divine love that pours through me to each client in session is palpable and a blessing to all that receive it. It is my privilege to do the work I do.
Clear Your Way to Vibrant Health
The Jupiter in Scorpio fuelled dynamic dominating our energies is now in full swing. In the beginning it was simply amplifying and highlighting all that was going on. But Now – well – its getting to work and we are feeling it!
This phase is going to last us till October/November 2018. It also has subtle strands that will endure for the next 12 years.
So maybe its a phase to notice, makes friends with and optimise to the max. Oh yes!
So what is it? How does it work?
In its most basic form it’s about Transformation – asking us where we can make a marked change in approach, form and nature.
Start by channelling your inner Phoenix, to rise you majestically from the ashes and blaze your trail bigger, better, bolder than before.
Over the next 12 months we will do best when we observe the cyclic nature of events and become fluent in speaking the language of the Life-Death-Rebirth principle.
This phase is all about change and growth that will free you from the shackles of mediocracy. Rather exciting isn’t it?
Of course along the way we may encounter Anxiety, Procrastion and battles with Authority… but that’s all part of it. Working out how best to rid yourself of limitation is wisdom in motion.
Sometimes we need to work together to hold the focus, determination and grit that is needed to do the job. If that’s you – then I am here to walk the line with you. All the way until its done.