Aquarius Tenure – 20th January-18th February

January 25, 2013

Aquarius Tenure – 20th January-18th February – Angel Cambiel

Aquarius 3

The major premise behind Aquarius is ‘The Brotherhood of Man’ and how as individuals, we best serve our fellow man, other Earth inhabitants, Plants, Animals, Sea Creatures and the Planet as a whole. Other archetypes include: Independence, Change, Forward Thinking, Aspirations, Expansion, Group Endeavors, Activated Vision, and the Social Collective.

For this reason, Angel Cambiel helps us to consider where our ambitions, principles and ideals lie and what part they actually play in our life.

Are we full of airy-fairy talk all of which sounds good but never actually achieves anything? Or do we come together and take action? Typically Aquarians in their power exude confidence to act out their ideas.

Sometimes labelled rebellious – perhaps radical and expansive are more accurate portrayals.

Angel Cambiel feels lofty in the reach of her presence and yet supremely maternal, which brings her up close and personal to us. Aquarian incisive vision can deliver unpalatable truths that require action. Ask Angel Cambiel to help you through moments of focused activity followed by periods of rest and musing whilst under her influence.

She says:
“Take time out to consider the bigger picture of where you are going and ask yourself – who is carrying the real cost of your endeavour? Where are you being supported – perhaps unfairly – what and to whom do you need to give back. Temper what you want with what you need to give. Listen to your conscience – it will always guide you well”

Cambiel will also help you increase Divine Masculine and Feminine energies and developing deeper spiritual identity and growth activity.

Crystal wise you have the choices of Moonstone, Rainbow Moonstone or Selenite to draw down the silver, feminine wisdom and powers to develop your spiritual consciousness. Also Aquamarine is great for healing any emotional turbulence blocking your progress. Or choose Selestite – the crystal of the angels, to guide your path over the bridge of your heart towards a connection with the higher self.

If you need any help in connect with this angel or in formulating your next best move – I will be pleased to assist you. Moreover if you are struggling to connect with your light, optimism or angels – you may well benefit from a private one-to-one reading for guidance and direction – call me now on 01273 726 549 or email me at

07760 994251

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