Cosmic Assistance

April 22, 2018

So it’s an important time to remember the different levels of consciousness that glue our world together.

Consider in your own self – how you can be the same person but can feel so different depending on whether you are having a good or bad day.  It is true that we have everything we need within us for our Life’s Journey – but it doesn’t always feel that way does it?

Often time we can’t see the required strength or talent, because it’s buried under the soot of wound or anger energy or repressed undealt-with emotions.

The new energies coming in mark the start of a seven year period.  And another hugely transformative phase begins in the middle of May – so yes we are in for some adjustments here and there for a while!

During those phases there will be internal shifts in hearts and mind to acclimatise which decreases our sensitivity to it all and builds strength and resilience.

There will also be practice solutions appearing between now and early September, that will show us how to re-organise our lives for the better.

It is helpful to hold the micro and macro sights in mind and heart.  If you are feeling low – understand that elsewhere you are Light.

The world around us needs your help.  The more we help ourselves – the more we collectively help each other and save the planet and humankind.

For those who feel they have been on their path for a long time – there is some fatigue showing at yet more rounds of evolution.  The message is clear – those who can do!

Give praise to yourself that you are strong enough to take full advantage of transformations on offer and join me and others who are awakened on the path.

There are many in this world who are still asleep and just live on repeat.  Better to live and learn and grow than stay stagnant, with senses closed off and heads buried in the sand.

Stand up for yourself in your Divine Right to be happy, healthy and abundant!

The impetus to stop believing in our victim-self has never been stronger.

Now is the time for all of us to recognise that wounds or blocks that have held us back all our lives can literally be thrown off!

An impasse can surface in

  • Me, Myself & I – how do you evaluate yourself?
  • Love-life zone – are you unlucky in love?
  • Business/work life – do you feel the progress or the obstacles?
  • Family Life – where are you frustrated by the inherited status quo?
  • Abundance – how can you increase your flow?
  • Authority – how do you handle yourself around or against it?
  • Self Confidence – How much do you actually possess?
  • Vision – is your world view depressed and suffering at this time?
  • Health – is your body letting you know it needs some clearing/healing?
  • Spiritually – are unable to connect in your preferred way?

To name but a few…

There is a quiet personal revolution waiting to happen in each of us. The timing of which is totally individual – webbed deeply to the story and destiny of our lives.

Evolution into peace, calm, happiness, abundance and joy are the Divine Right of us all.

We can learn to discover who we really are despite difficulty or loss and move forward into deeper awareness, more love and greater joy.

Reaching out to get the comfort and help you need can be vital and make all the difference to how well you cope.

Crystal Magic

  • Hematite – mirroring & clarifying
  • Aventurine – healing & soothing hearts
  • Amethyst – expansion of the self
  • Obsidian – grounding & peace

Complimentary Colours – Green, Mauve, Yellow, Beige, Apricot.

Animal Spirits – Bull, Mouse, Bee, Birds, Dog, Crocodile

Best Treatments for Current Phases

Angel Reiki Healing – soothing energy restore

Parts Therapy – healing inner parts that keep us in turmoil

Soul Retrieval  – restoring missing parts with unique strengths & talents

Ancestral Healing – removing inherited blocks

Intuitive Consultation – receiving guidance on your next best steps

What the Angels Say

Archangel Raguel  comes forward with a message about inner strength

Dear Beloved

Remember you are all that you will ever need for this lifetime

You are the power and the Light – made from pure source Love

There is miracle in your hands – waiting to happen

You have human and soul strength combined

When you forget or disconnect – call on me – Raguel

I will help you harmonise your energy and bring yourself back together

Stand tall, Breathe deeply and Walk proud – for you are magnificent!

07760 994251

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