Ascension & Spiritual Development Themes
The New Age of Aquarius is upon us – we are living in the dawning of a new epoch which is emerging and replacing the old Piscean age.
In these first moments of life – the influences come in thick and fast to raise us up physically, emotionally, mentally & energetic-spiritually to harmonise with it.
We find ourselves maturing, changing, releasing and re-birthing. These are fascinating and often scary times as the growth changes come in ever-increasing amounts and literally descend through Us into the all that is.
The Planet/Mother Nature is evolving too and we will shift with it all in time.
During this re-write from old to new – it is likely that you will emerge parts of yourself hitherto hidden – patiently waiting for the moment to surface. These parts bring to you a higher way of being – they are designed by your higher self for your earthly self and are for your best and highest good. The New Age requires a higher way of living and so we are purged again on all levels.
Some common Ascension symptoms are:
- Extreme Fatigue whilst not being able to relax at the same time
- Aches, Pains, & Joint Stiffness
- Mind Fog, Lack of Clarity
- Headaches, Migraines & Sinus Trouble
- Emotional Greyness – missing part of yourself
- Stomach Upsets, Acid Reflux
- Auto Immune Flare-Ups,
- Leg & Feet Pain,
- Fatigue/Exhaustion/No Motivation
- Back, Shoulder & Neck pain
- Ringing in Ears
- Interrupted Fitful Sleep, Busy & intense dreams
- High Anxiety/Despondency
- Increased Intuition
- Feelings of ‘wanting to go home’ or ‘not wanting to be HERE wherever that is’
- Detachment from all that no longer serves
- Higher & Clearer Connection to Your Spirit & The Universe
- Coming Together in Community
- Personal & Soul Growth – increased motivation to do the right thing for yourself
- Desire to only have fulfilling, mutual & happy relationships
- Contribution – drive to work or contribute to the good of the planet and its population
- Hope – needing to believe that all your work, giving & sacrifice will pay off
- Synchronicities, Signs & Messages frequently coming at you
Angel Reiki Healings & Emotion Code Clearing can eliminate or significantly reduce these Ascension symptoms. For healing & support on all of the above issues