April 2018

Cosmic Assistance

April 22, 2018

So it’s an important time to remember the different levels of consciousness that glue our world together. Consider in your own self – how you can be the same person but can feel so different depending on whether you are having a good or bad day.  It is true that we have everything we need within ... Continue reading >

Current Themes

April 22, 2018

The mantra for the coming week is Expect the Unexpected - but in a good way.  Whatever happens to you - even if it appears to be in disguise and deconstruction - will open up new doors and pathways for you and lead to ultimate gain. The current energy has the power to dismantle our walls ... Continue reading >

Clear Your Way To Vibrant Health

April 8, 2018

You may have noticed new, lighter and more harmonious energy coming through this last week – maybe there is more of a spring in your step as Nature uses all that rain (in the UK anyway) to enrich its colours and bloom large.  I am always so grateful when Spring arrives – it reminds me ... Continue reading >

What’s It All About?

April 8, 2018

The over-riding theme of April is one of Change Change Change…only there's a slight catch - in that we won't feel able to action those changes until later down the line. So probably a more accurate description is Prepare To Change.  Of course preparation is still action  and a great form of progress - but it's ... Continue reading >

Shine Sweet Freedom

April 7, 2018

After a energised night of not a lot of sleep but a whole lot of energy downloading...I am inspired by a song to remind us all to enjoy our Freedom and live it to the max - while we still can. ENJOY! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fpZ3emzj_-U   Here are the wonderful lyrics - do they touch your Soul today? Sweet ... Continue reading >

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